April 7, 2022

Nadia Power
Geotechnical Engineering Technologist

What is your role, and how long have you been at MGT?

Engineering Geologist, specialising in Geotechnical Engineering Services. Been with MGT for about three years, engaged initially with on-site support and have been doing project Geotech work for the last 7 months.

What sparked your interest in this field?

The mine that I initially started out as a graduate had a large group of Geotechs and almost every geotechnical hazard you can think of. It seemed like Geotech was a good challenge and made the transition from mine geo, never looked back.

Share a memorable project story.

The first site I worked at when I joined MGT was Carosue Dam, I was there for about 18 months. During that time I got to know some amazing people whom I’m still friends with today.

What is a quote that has stuck with you?

Always treat people kindly because you never know what someone is going through, everyone has a story.

What advice would you give to aspiring geotechnical engineers?

Be kind, open to learn new things, and ask a lot of questions.

Who in your team would you like to give a shout-out to?

John, Gordon, Richard and Emma – all have been amazing mentors, which I definitely appreciate.

Thorny Devil in the great Australian Desert, Vimy Resources. 2020.

Thorny Devil in the great Australian Desert, Vimy Resources. 2020.

Update: Nadia is no longer at MGT

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