Gordon Sweby, Principal Consulting Geotechnical Engineer

2022-05-12T12:18:56+08:00By |Team Profiles|

BSc Eng (Geological) MSc Mining (Rock Mechanics) PrEng (ECSA) Gordon completed a Geological Engineering degree at the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa) in 1984 and a Masters in Rock Mechanics (Wits) in 1994. Gordon also holds the Chamber of Mines (South Africa) Certificates in Rock Mechanics (Coal and Metalliferous) and the Advanced Certificate

Emma Jones, Principal Study Manager – Geotechnical

2024-01-29T12:46:14+08:00By |Team Profiles|

BEng (Geological) MEngSc (Mining Geomechanics) MAusIMM(CP) Emma Jones has 19 years of experience in geotechnical engineering. Emma spent 7 years in the Kalgoorlie region during which she gained experience in both open pit and underground mining, with exposure to several different mining methods and geotechnical environments. Emma has also held senior, principal and

Dr. John Player, Director and Principal Engineer

2022-05-12T12:22:50+08:00By |Team Profiles|

BEng (Mining) (Hons) MEngSc (Mining Geomechanics) PhD MAusIMM(CP) RPEQ (Geotech) John has more than 25 years of experience in mining and geotechnical engineering. His specialties include: Dynamic testing and analysis of rock reinforcement and support systems, resulting in a vast knowledge of reinforcement response to dynamic energy, and using this knowledge in

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